Two Blondes.
One really good idea.

We believe brides should have
fun playing dress up during their bridal season, without being distracted by high price tags
or limited options.

Meet Pauline and Aly, the brains behind Aveil. The two met while getting their MBAs at the Kellogg School of Management. Initial conversations seemed to always start with a compliment around what the other one was wearing, followed by the same response – “Thanks, I rented it.”

Fast-forward to a friendship, that ultimately led to the idea for Aveil. As women in their late 20s, the two were spending a lot of their weekends and summers at bridal events for close friends. They were shocked by how much their friends were spending on dressing and accessorizing themselves in white, pearly, bride-specific pieces for each wedding occasion. And then heard them complaining about how much they spent and the frustration of not knowing what to do with all of this “white stuff” after-the-fact.

Both huge fans of fashion rentals – it seemed like a no brainer to build a business dedicated to the bridal season. And so, Aveil was born.